Sistema de classificació per espigues

Els allotjaments de turisme rural se situen en entorns rurals, aïllats o bé dins de nuclis de població de menys de mil habitants.

S’integren dins de masies, masoveries o cases de poble construïdes abans de 1950, que respecten la tipologia arquitectònica de la zona en la qual es troben, i ofereixen habitacions en cases compartides amb el propietari o bé habitatges individuals en cases independents.

Actualment, hi ha més de dos mil establiments de turisme rural repartits per tot el territori català.

D’aquests establiments n’hi ha 498 que s’han adherit en una primera fase al procés de categorització del turisme rural català, que s’està implantant.

Un cop superats uns processos d’auditoria, la Direcció General de Turisme els ha concedit una categoria turística, que es reflecteix en l’atorgació d’un nombre determinat d’espigues, entre una i cinc, en funció del criteri següent:

Ref: Generalitat de Catalunya

Sistema de clasificación por espigas

Los alojamientos de turismo rural se sitúan en entornos rurales aislados, o bien en núcleos de población de menos de mil habitantes.

Se integran en masías o casas de pueblo construidas antes de 1950, que respetan la tipología arquitectónica de la zona en la que se encuentran, y ofrecen habitaciones en casas compartidas

En la actualidad hay más de dos mil establecimientos de turismo rural repartidos por todo el territorio catalán.

De estos establecimientos, 498 se han adherido en una primera fase al proceso de categorización del turismo rural catalán, que se está implantando.

Tras superar los procesos de auditoría, la Direcció General de Turisme les ha concedido una categoría turística, que se refleja en la otorgación de un número determinado de espigas, dentro de un abanico de entre una y cinco, en función del siguiente criterio:

Ref: Generalitat de Catalunya

System of classification by wheat ear

Rural tourism accommodations are located in isolated rural environments or in population centres of less than a thousand inhabitants.

Integrate in farmhouses or village houses built prior to 1950, which respect the architectural typology of the area in which they are located and offer rooms in shared houses

Currently there are more than two thousand rural tourism establishments spread all over Catalonia.

Of these establishments, 498 have been adhered to in the first stage of the process of categorization Catalan rural tourism, which is being implemented.

After overcoming the audit processes, the General Directorate of Tourism have been granted a tourist category, which is reflected in the granting of a certain number of wheat ear, within a range of between one and five, depending on the following criteria:



Rooms and equipment essential for the accommodation

Common features

• Access to the establishment suitable for passenger cars

• Tourist information about the area

• Updated web page

• Personalized service

• Heating and hot water

• TV in living room

Specific features


• Basic kitchen equipment

• The household linen


• Bathroom in all rooms

• Breakfast with products of own production and proximity


Good level in stays and equipment

• Spaces and personal web sites updated

• Comfort Temperature

• Stays comfortable

• Set of basic personal hygiene items

• Outdoor Area

• Access to swimming pool

Specific Characteristics


• Set of cleaning (kitchen towels, rag and soap for dishes, pads for the dishwasher,

Garbage bags, with laundry soap)

• Barbecue


• Breakfast with a variety of sweet and salty


Very good standard of accommodation and equipment

• Parking close to the house

• Building and furniture of quality

• Own website updated

• Optimum Staffing of interior and exterior spaces

• Host Service (detail of welcome and farewell)

• Offer of activities

Specific Characteristics


• Breakfast with fresh fruit


Excellent rooms and equipment and wide range

Common features of services. Unique environment or building

• Construction of good quality with architectural value and traditional elements

• Road or paved

• Parking on own property

• Well preserved environment

• Fireplace

• Guest bathroom

• Well equipped rooms

• Large outdoor area

• Pool on the own farm

• Wide range of activities

Specific features


• Barbecue

• Basket of commodities on request


• Fork breakfast

• Half board


Exceptional level in rooms and equipment.

Emblematic building and space

• Exclusive building of architectural value, listed as assets of cultural interest

• Parking under cover on the own farm

• Contracting on-line and pay by credit card

• Unique surroundings

• Individual air conditioning

• Exceptional stays

• Bathrobe and slippers

• Swimming pool covered and heated in the own farm

Specific features


• Full Board

Ref: Generalitat de Catalunya
